Sunday, May 9, 2010


so i'll be leaving for umrah soon. friday to be exact. nervous gileeeeeeee but excited and happy at the same time. all this thoughts came into my mind, 'bleh ke buat ni?', 'layak ke? solat pun tak perfect'.' bende sunat2 kat sini pun jarang buat, diterima ke kat sane?'.

i know i'm not a perfect muslim. sembahyang pun tak perfect, baca quran pun tak pakar. tapi mungkin dgn umrah ni, i'll be a better person. who knows? for me, ikhlas tu penting. dalam apape pun. i'll never do anything just because ppl asked me to, contohnye, mase 1st time pakai tudung, takde sape yang suruh. it comes naturally. i just feel i wanna wear it. memang, maybe dgn pakai tudung pun, i'm still not perfect but it gets better. we can't change drastically kan. at least ade niat.

the 1st time my auntie ajak pergi umrah with 2 of my cousins, niat tu ade tapi mungkin tak terbuka lagi hati. after a while, the other auntie nak pegi so ajak skali, at first nak tanak jugak, then tetibe ade problems with my auntie's passport, kene postpone. at that time rase mcm frust pun ade. mase tu baru rase that i really wanna go.

so alhamdulillah, dapat jugak pergi on this 14th. mmg berharap sgt dpt pergi this few months sbb nk buat in my 1st semester of study-tak bz sgt lagi. kalau masuk 2nd semester, most probably dh start bz, takut takde peluang nk pegi dah. walaupun in 2 weeks time tu, byk keje boleh setel. tapi takpelah, hopefully boleh siapkan apape yg patut before leaving and lepas balik harap2 smuenye berjalan lancar.

so anyway, i wish to apologize to all of you reading this blog kalau ada salah dan silap, terambik duit ke, terambik barang ke, mintak halalkan semuanya. doakan jugak umrah ni dipermudahkan dan diberkati oleh-Nya dan selamat pergi dan pulang. Amin. :)


Dr-Nur said...

Ameen! Doa banyak2 kat sana, semoga dipermudahkan amal ibadah kat sana ye!

Journalist said...

Maff juga dipinta. Semoga selamat pergi dan pulang.
Doakan kami sekeluarga disi ni ya..
Jaga diri ;)