Thursday, November 18, 2010


i met him almost 2 years ago at an island. i was following a good friend of mine, puchi, for an island getaway with her coursemates of UITM. we didn't talk that much to each other while we were there unlike the others. back to our hometown, we (the others on the trip) kept in touch with each other including him. the first time we went out together, that was the time we got to know each other better. honestly, on that day, i knew that he's the one.

we quickly clicked and fell for each other. it happened also with full encouragement from wan and puchi constantly telling us that we'd make a good couple (lol. thnks guys). in just weeks (i think) of dating, we're already talking about marriage! crazy i tell ya.

he always tell me in his own way that one day, he wants me to be his wife. that i think, is the proposal. right from the beginning.

then one night, he surprised me with his plan. to get engaged a month later. no bended knee or romantic proposal like in the movies, he spoke directly to my dad. i was shocked but happy. and i think the sincerity is the most romantic thing ever.

so here we are, engaged to each other. with hope that our rezeki dimurahkan dan dimudahkan so that we can finally get married. i was worried too at first since he's not financially stable yet, but this hadis kinda change my mind a lil bit.

'tiga golongan yg berhak ditolong Allah ialah pejuang di jln Allah, hamba yg ingin merdeka dan orang2 yang ingin berkahwin'

Allah Maha Mengetahui.


Zurin said...

hehe.. kenapa i tak tau u linked me? congrats hana! I had no idea u got engaged :)

Hana said...

thanks zurin! hehe sorry link tk bgtau.