Thursday, April 4, 2013

23 March 2013.

Alhamdulillah, it's been 13 days since our wedding. On 23rd March, with one lafaz, we're finally married! Sometimes we couldn't believe it ourselves and poking each other and like 'eh kt dah suami isteri ke ni?' 

so thankful and sangat puas hati with everything on that day. the nikah ceremony was in the morning, it was simple and sweet. paling puas hati is the diy pelamin! hehe i'm lovin it. happy that i came out with the idea and my friends and family members helped out. paling best is that i can use every items back. yeay! tiada pembaziran di situ. 

i promised myself not to cry on that day tapi alahai, upon seeing syib crying when he salam-ed his mother, terus drama menangis kat situ. it was overwhelming when i hugged my dad, nda and my aunties. like one of my aunties said (who cried too lol), it was tears of happiness. alhamdulillah. 

the reception at night was perfect too. it was not too formal, not so unformal, it was in between, just how i like it. some of the guests came to me and said that it was a lovely wedding which makes me happy. kinda worried that they'll be uncomfortable with the late makan time etc. alhamdulillah guests were comfortable. (i think). 

was nice catching up with friends and family members. although many couldn't make it to the wedding but i'm a happy kid! :p

couldn't thank enough my family, friends and everyone helping out through the wedding and everyone who gave us beautiful presents! most importantly, your doa's. 

syukur. :')

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