Saturday, March 8, 2008


bulan ni genap 3 months i've worked at syncoates. everything's good so far. hopefully confirmla i kat situ. cuz after 3 months supposed dah confirm. naikla gaji ke rm2000. yeay! hopefully la kan. getting closer to the people there. not the mention, kat syncoates ni banyak 'buaya-buaya darat'. almaklumla kat situ brape orang je pompuan. and disebabkan i'm the only one who's single, asyik kene ngorat jela! dr budak kecik sampai la ke suami org anak dua ni( i call him 'org tua gatal'.ngahaha.) but fun la jugak melayan deaorg ni. i kinda love the attention. :P

i'm planning to buy a phone. a Sony Ericson phone. kinda interested with the k550i model. gonna buy it dlm masa terdekat.

i'm excited to watch Incubus live in Malaysia. at the Sunburst KL Music festival. kene simpan tenaga ni. rite puchi?

i'm sick but malas nk gi klinik. probably tommorow.


1 comment:

a z a l i a said...

haha, ye la tu. tak tahu la mcm mana nk tahan smpi kul 2 pagi tu. haha