Thursday, September 18, 2008


i'm tired.

i wish things could be simple. macam budak2 dulu. nothing is complicated. straight forward.

ketakutan utk rase kehilangan is killing me. i'm not like this before. maybe because i just lost my mum. it's holding me back.

i have to be strong. come on hana. it is simple. u make it hard on yourself.

aja aja fighting!


str4vag^ said...

hmm..what ever it is, take the might pay off..great risk great rewards you know..
if it doesnt go the way you planned it, you can take comfort in the fact that you tried and not just sit and wait and then wonder when the chance have passed..

a z a l i a said...

i so agree with what fai said. life is all about taking risk. one cant always be comfortable in their shell u know, there's a lot of things out there yg boleh diexplore. :D

take the risk babe. wondering sucks. altho it might hurt if it didnt turn out good, but at least you're somehow satisfied knowing that you actually try to make things work. trust me babe. i know. and u know i know. :) and besides, if ur worried about the awkwardness, just remember that if u still wanna be frens with him then throw the feelings away. if die yg rasa awkward pulak, then u know that he's not someone worth being frens with. like someone we both know. :D

g'luck babe! whatever it is, you still have us!

Hana said...

kata2 yg begitu bersemangat betul korang ni. haha. well, it's easier said than done. but i'll try my best. thanx for the support! :)

str4vag^ said...

biasa la tu..mmg senang cakap..susah nak buat..but once you get it over with, you feel much least that is what they say..

*points to the rest of the world*