Wednesday, July 15, 2009


1) lang tengah island trip was fun. altho i think perhentian is better. untuk ketenangan, or for honeymoon ppl, lang tengah is the place. sgt peacefull. for snorkeling, perhentian is much better. made a few of new friends while on the trip. sukeee.

2) i've accepted the RA(research assistant) post at UTM branch @ enstek. which is kat area sepang-nilai sane. that branch is doing a lot about cosmetics and that's y i wanted to try. keje dlu then see how it goes. if it's really sebati dgn diri (eceh), most probably smbungla masters at the same place. now i'm just figuring out wether to stay there or ulang alik je. cuak jugak actually. i told my fren this..

" i takut la i buat salah decision lagi "

" alaa. u're young. u're allowed to make mistakes and learn from it. try je laaa."

" kadang2 i rase mcm loser gile takde direction. org lain, mcm u, dh tau dh nk pergi ke arah mane. direction u. pastu org lak kate i memilih keje. mmg i memilih pun. tp i rase i berhak ape memilih. "

"yelaa mesti la nak yg kt suke kan. the way i see it, u ade direction. u're just a bit confuse. normal la tu. i'm sure everything will be fine. sooner or later u'll find ur way"

aaah it's nice to have someone supportive. thanks babe!

so it's official. i'm gonna start work next month. august.

3) something else is official. but i'm not sure if i'm ready to tell so much about this. bcuz i'm so afraaaaaaaaaid. so happy yet sangaat takuuut. and since it happen, i think a lot more about my mother. aneh. xtau knape.

4) sue, my dearie UTM friend is going back to Sabah for good! sediiiih. we might not see her anymore. went for a so-called farewell outing and we did a photoshoot. last time take pics together la konon. thanx to our photographer, mr biys bugs, for the lovely pics!

banyak gile gamba cantek2. sukeeeeeeeee! :)

so i think that's it for now. later!


str4vag^ said...

Lang Tengah look beautiful.

oh and we all have direction, but there is a lot of way to head to that direction. so its a trial and error thing. some take the highway, some take the "jalan kampung", some take the road less taken, but in the end, we all will arrive. its just a matter of time.

a z a l i a said...

the road not taken by robert frost.


Hana said...

thanx fai. :)