Wednesday, February 13, 2013


being a researcher, i developed a big habit of making google my bestfriend. everything that i don't understand or i'm curious about, i will google it and amazingly there will be answers! i believe everything must be based on facts. i googled like literally EVERYTHING. 

so since i have this chronic attitude of worrying too much (like really really too much sometimes!), i googled if these symptoms is some kind of sickness which could make my life worse.

and so these are the terms that i found: worrier and anxiety disorder.

turns out i'm not the only one. yeay!

check out these links if you have same symptoms as i have :P

generalized anxiety disorder

some of the points:

'Worriers tend to be overutilizers of the health care system, meaning they see their doctor for just about every ache and pain' (haha this is so true!)

"Most people with the disorder report that they have been anxious for as long as they can remember. GAD occurs somewhat more often in women than in men" (u-huh)

"Even when aware that their worries or fears are stronger than needed, a person with GAD still has difficulty controlling them" (u-huh)

"Each individual needs to understand what causes their anxiety or what it is related to,"  "If you dig deep enough and go back to the early bases, it goes away because you have gotten to its roots."

and the statement that i love the most:

"Worriers are actually good at handling real problems."


so it's not really a bad thing right? :p

1 comment:

Melissa Mazlan said...

omggg. kita pun consider kita a good googler. hahah.