Thursday, January 31, 2013


i'm the kind of person who hates to hate ppl. (get it?)

like tak payah la nk benci benci sgt. musuh-musuh sgt.

i believe everyone has their own kind of behaviour whether it's good or bad. it all depends on how they were brought up , their experiences and their surroundings or their circle of friends/ppl. tak boleh nk judge sangat. manusia mcm2 ragam yg kadang-kadang tak masuk akal. drives you crazy but i guess at the end of the day, kena belajar accept.

tapi kalau dah org constantly buat something bad kat kt, tak tahan jugak wei.

i'm the type yg susah sangat nk marah or kecik hati, but once someone pissed me off, susah nak lupa & let go. i can forgive but it's hard to forget.

like once when i'm in uni during my degree years, i was pissed off at this one guy and i started blurt out every single word yang tak baik dlm dunia ni (over) because i was just really really angry. i remember saying 'saya tak halalkan smue rezeki awak'. and then i never talk to him ever again.

like my ex-bf trying to make friends with me back, i couldn't do it because i can still remember the bad things he has done to me. so i never talk to him ever again too.

tapi bila jadi bende-bende mcm ni. i always remember the saying ' kesalahan sesama manusia ni manusia je yg boleh ampunkan'. can u imagine dying and then susah mati sbb mak tak ampunkan dosa anak. (ok ni pengaruh drama spektra).

u know what i mean.

'biar org buat kita, jgn kita buat org'

oh well. i guess we all make mistakes.


i'm still contemplating whether to invite this one person to my wedding or not because i'm still annoyed.

k bye.

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