Monday, December 13, 2010


so i've created two new blogs! weeee. (semangat tk? :P)

nothing much actually but one blog is about wedding stuffs and the other is on my research.

since i'm getting married probably end of next year, i think i should already start with the preparations. and ppl keep reminding me about the venue & said 'dewan kene book awal!'. ok fine. so i start surveying the venue and secara tk langsung nye survey la jugak other wedding-related stuffs. i realize there's A LOT of things to do. so the blog is to make it easier for me to look at & share all the stuffs related and probably ppl too can share opinions & ideas! (am i too excited for this? is it too early? :P )

so the other blog is what i plan to share on my research and what i've learn along the way. there's a lot i've learnt so far, too much information that sometimes makes it hard for me to remember everything. so the blog is kinda my revision on everything i know and to link all the things/websites related to my project. it's inspired too from a professor that shares everything about his research on his blog.

so feel free to visit if u want!

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