Sunday, December 19, 2010

i stalk this man.

i knew about him some time ago. only recently that i started to read his blog and watch his videos. the fact that he is so strong despite his condition really touch my heart. and for some reasons, he reminds me of my late mother.

to fight cancer is not easy. to take care & to give support for a cancer patient is another thing.

al fatihah mas afzal & my dearest mama..

The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "The people most severely tested are the Prophets, then the righteous, then the next best and the next best. A man will be tested in accordance with the degree of his religious commitment; the stronger his religious commitment, the stronger his test."

[Tuhfat al-Ahwadhi (7:78)]

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