Monday, October 15, 2007

i'm back!

setelah sekian lame tak blog or actually blog-delete-blog-delete process, i decided to start blogging again.xtau la tahan smpi bile.LOL.cuz blogging ni sbnrnye ble dh mls tuh mls la kan.huhu.

so..what's new about me?

well,i just got a job.i've been working for about 2 weeks is it?nothing much really.cuz blum dpt keje yg btul2.just training2 je is the 4th day of raya and i have to la sangat kan.tak buat pape pun.sebab tuh blog nih.smue still cuti.tinggal me and the akak nk training mendenye?menyangap office is at kelana jaya centre's a small company selling medical devices.i work as a sales basically..tukang jual brg la.i dont even know if i can do it.cuak gak!dhla tak reti nk berckp.but what i love about the job is cuz byk berjalan.i have to travel a lot.meeting ppl.ditambah plak ngn org2 di sini yg sgtla far so good la.lps ni xtaula mcmane.hopefully i can do mum tak approve sgt actually.klu boleh dea nk suh berenti skrg.she risau sgt cuz i have to travel smue.on my own in the future.but i ignore her.i guess dea kn pkir gak.i've grown up.i'm not a child anymore.i can take care of least,let me give it a try.klu takleh,carila keje lain. :P

my mum pn nowadays cepat bnor terase.terlebih sensitif.maybe cuz dea dh tinggal umah sesorg.kesian gak.but what to do?pastu ade la a few dea tak suke my work.and then my brother nk amik master which involves something yg cam xde kene mengene with his my mum cam tak approve gak.mcm2 she feels like her opininons doesnt matter anymore.xde org kisah psl dea.lebih baik dea mati.something like that la.haih.sedih gak ble dea pkir camtu.tapi..adui..susah tul hidup nih.nk pkir diri sniri.nk pkir mak bpk jugak.and she said i tak pentingkan think about my family all the time.everytime i smayang,i pray for my mum.i pray that penyakitnye disembuhkan.i pray dea dipanjangkan umur.i pray supaya kuatkan semangat dea.and dea bole ckp camtu?haih takpela.sbg anak,bersabar jela.syurga di bwh tapak kaki ibu yer dak?

life is complicated kan?camne pun,kene go through gak.

ya allah ya tuhanku,kuatkanla semangatku dan tabahkanla hatiku menempuh segala dugaan yg kau berikan.amin.

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