Friday, October 26, 2007

it's working time!

i'm excited and nervous as well.

excited to travel and meeting people.

nervous to actually perform my duties.

starting next week, probably i'll be actually doing my job.i have to go to hospitals and clinics and introduce myself and actually do sales.

sometimes i thought to myself, apela gatal sgt gi amik keje sales.but somehow i'm interested in it which i dont even know why. maybe bcuz of the fact that i can meet people and travel. and also actually cuz i wanted to improve my communication skills.kononnyerla.

dahla i ni pemalu orgnyer(ngehehe :P ). jumpe org baru, nk ramah2 ni..haih..susahnyela kan. tp ble dah get to know tuh, should be ok la. i want to buang all the malu-ness and the lembut-ness in me. takdela fully buang kan. nk jadi ape tuh? tp u know what i mean.i'm still trying.

hopefully everything turns out well. hope i can do it. insyaallah.


a z a l i a said...

good luck hana!
insyallah awak boleh buat k. :)

Hana said...

thanx puchi!